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Divorcing a Narcissist【楽天海外直送】【英語の本】【洋書】


Divorcing a NarcissistTina Swithin survived a Category Five Divorce Hurricane and took shelter by writing her first book titled, "Divorcing a Narcissist: One Mom's Battle" along with chronicling her journey on her internationally recognised blog, "One Mom's Battle." In 2009, Tina embarked on a hellish custody battle while acting as her own attorney and in 2013, Tina's battle came to an end when she walked out of a courtroom with the one thing that she had dedicated her life to securing: her daughters' safety. Tina recently finished her second book, "Divorcing a Narcissist: Advice for the Battlefield" which provides guidance and advice for those in the trenches of a high-conflict divorce. In 2015, she published her third book, "Rebuilding After the Storm." Tina has chosen to assume the title of survivor versus victim and has become an advocate for change in the Family Court System after seeing the flaws first-hand. Tina has been instrumental in the start-up of one-hundred chapters of "One Mom's Battle" throughout five different countries (United States, Canada, Australia, South Africa and United Kingdom). Tina believes that the courts have lost sight of their primary focus, which should be the best interest of the child and instead, are focusing too heavily on mothers' rights and fathers' rights. Tina is working to raise awareness of the issues in the Family Court System and to educate the general public on Narcissistic Personality Disorder. High conflict divorces are on the rise and the children are suffering unnecessarily due to the lack of education on the front lines--and behind the judicial bench. Tina has been awarded honours such as the "Top 20 Professionals Under 100cm and the "Top 40 Professionals Under 100cm in several regional California newspapers. Tina has appeared on shows such as "Dr. Carole's Couch" with world-renown psychologist, Dr. Carole Lieberman, Huff Post LIVE, and on Candace Smyth's North Star Series. Tina's book and blog have been featured in outlets such as Glamour Magazine, SF Gate, Examiner, LA Parent Magazine, About.com, Yahoo, Huffington Post and the Washington Times. In her spare time, Tina writes for the Huffington Post Divorce where she delves into the tricky world of divorcing a narcissist.Dimensions: 13.21 x 0.51 x 20.32 centimetres (0.36 kg)ティナ・スウィスティンはカテゴリー5の離婚ハリケーンで生き残り、彼女の国際的に認められたブログ「One Mom's Battle」に彼女の旅を記録しながら、「ナルシシストとひとりのお母さんの戦い」という彼女の最初の本を書いて避難所を守った。












Tinaの本とブログはGlamour Magazine、SF Gate、Examiner、LA Parent Magazine、About.com、Yahoo、Huffington Post、Washington Timesなどのアウトレットで紹介されています。

彼女の空いた時間に、ティナはHuffington Post離婚のために彼女がナルシシストとの離婚のトリッキーな世界を掘り下げて執筆します。

寸法:13.21 x 0.51 x 20.32センチメートル(0.36 kg)------------------------------------ 当店は、アメリカ カリフォルニアを本店とする海外ショップです。



「伝票番号の追跡サイトへの反映には10日程度かかります」 当店のカード決済代行会社は Rakuten Commerce LLC です。


  • 商品価格:2,752円
  • レビュー件数:0件
  • レビュー平均:0(5点満点)